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$250 門票 Ticket

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The Grand

籌款目的: 提高公眾對跨性別議題的認識
Aim: To raise public awareness of the transgender issues in Hong Kong.

導演: 湯賀柏
演員: 艾迪烈柏尼, 艾莉西亞菲瑾德

1926年,哥本哈根,風景畫家Einar Wegener與同為畫家的Gerda結為夫婦。一次因模特兒失約,Gerda為順利完成畫作,說服Einar穿上女裝擔任模特兒。這次意外令Einar成為妻子的「靈感女神」──Lili,而Einar藏於內心深處兩人的關係亦起了意想不到的變化。Einar漸漸發現,Lili不但是Gerda的靈感女神,她更是真正的自己──作為女性的自己。緃然面對社會非議,Gerda仍一直因扶持著Einar。在這趟人生旅程上,Gerda找到愛下去的勇氣,而Einar則學會勇敢做自己,成為史上首位跨性別人士,真正的女人──Lili Elbe。

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Director: Tom Hooper
Cast: Eddie Redmayne, Alicia Vikander, Ben Whishaw, Sebastian Koch, Amber Heard, Matthias Schoenaert

In 1926 in Copenhagen, artist Einar Wegener is married to Gerda Wegener and is revered for landscape paintings. Gerda is also an artist, less renowned but steadily working as a portraitist of prominent citizens. Theirs is a strong and loving marriage, yet personal and professional epiphanies have eluded them both. That all begins to change one day when, on deadline for a portrait, Gerda asks her husband to fill in for a model by putting on a dress so that she can finish the painting. The experience is transformative, as Einar soon realizes that being Lili is an expression of her truest self, and she begins living her life as a woman. Gerda unexpectedly finds that she has a new muse, and renewed creative ferment. But the couple soon brush up against society’s disapproval. They leave their homeland for the more open-minded world of Paris. There, it is Gerda’s career that continues to flourish. The couple’s marriage evolves – and not without strain. But again and again Gerda supports Lili during her journey as a transgender woman. Through the other, each of them finds the courage to be who they are at heart.

Payment Methods:
(i) Paypal - Please click below "Add to Cart"
(ii) Bank Transfer - Please download the form below:
Click here to download form.

Ticket Collection:
By completing the above payment process, collect the ticket in person on the screening day at the reception with the copy of payment confirmation email (either in digital or printed version) during 8-9:30pm.

Seating Plan